Essential Structures, installation view, Gerald Moore Gallery, London, 6-27 July 2024, photo Reinis Lismanis
Essential Structures, installation view, Gerald Moore Gallery, London, 6-27 July 2024, photo Reinis Lismanis
Phil Ashcroft, Pentre Ifan stones (medium), acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60cm, 2023

Group Exhibition

Essential Structures

6th – 27 July 2024

Essential Structures, Gerald Moore Gallery, Mottingham Lane, London SE9 4RW.

Essential Structures aimed to survey the spirit of Minimalism in the work of artists today and examine how its principals continue to inspire creativity in a variety of media.

Exhibiting artists: Phil Ashcroft, Trevor Attwood, Fay Ballard, Ellie Briffitt, Sarah Crossfield, Anna Fairchild, Samuel Harriman, R James Healy, IVAAIU City, Jay Ho, Tomoko Hokyo, Sangwon Jo, Rachel Karasik, Minhee Kim, Nicolaas Victor van de Lande, Deborah Lerner, Enzo Marra, Nigel O’Neill, Camila Quintero, Thayada Shamsudheen, Maya Pearl Böröcz Silverberg, Maayan Sophia Weisstub, Nikolas Wereszczyński, Li Yu and Alice Zakharenko.

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